Republik Südafrika / Südliche und südwestliche Kapprovinz. 


Tropidosaura montana montana  (GRAY, 1831)


Holotype: MNHN-RA 2673 [indicated as syntype in MNHN catalogue]

Terra Typica:

Kap der Guten Hoffnung.

Relevante taxonomische Literatur:

  • Gray, J.E. (1831) -  A synopsis of the species of Class Reptilia. -  In: Griffith, E & E. Pidgeon: The animal kingdom arranged in conformity with its organisation by the Baron Cuvier with additional descriptions of all the species hither named, and of many before noticed. Volume 9. Whittaker, Treacher and Co., London: 481 + 110 pp. [1830]  


Tropidosaura montana montana  © 2018 Cliff & Suretha Dorse