“Arbeitsgemeinschaft Lacertiden” study group within the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Herpetologie und Terrarienkunde e. V.

The “Arbeitsgemeinschaft Lacertiden” is a group of herpetologists as well as hobbyists within the “Deutsche Gesellschaft für Herpetologie und Terrarienkunde e. V.” (DGHT). The articles of the DGHT are binding. The membership of the “AG Lacertiden” is open to anybody whose special field of interest is in the lizard familiy `Lacertidae`. Membership within the DGHT is desired.
Annual fee for members of the DGHT 15,- Euro
Bank account AG Lacertiden: BARBARA WARNECKE, Account 77008420, BLZ 25950130, Sparkasse Hildesheim, IBAN DE91259501300077008420, BIC NOLADE21HIK.

Tasks and aims:
  • the AG intends to be the organization in which all questions concerning biology, systematics, keeping and breeding as well as conservation of lacertid lizards including their habitats may be addressed.
  • organization of an annual three day conference.
  • publication of three issues of “Die Eidechse” per year.
  • to document the annual captive breeding successes of members of our study group.
  • a captive breeding group is in charge to join single specimens of the same species in order to establish captive breeding couples or groups.
  • the coordination of breeding lizard species in captivity in order to avoid taking lizards from their natural habitats.
  • providing theoretical and practical support concerning the conservation of lacertid lizards and their habitats.
  • communication of specific knowledge and scientific results in our journal “Die Eidechse” as well as oral presentations and posters during our annual conferences.
  • overview of all hitherto known lacertid lizard species and subspecies as well as their distribution as continuing updates.
  • increase of knowledge and exchange of experiences.
AG-journal “Die Eidechse”

The flagship of the association is certainly our journal “Die Eidechse”, with contributions on herpetoculture, biology, distribution, ecology, behavior, and protection problems and -projekte of the Lacertidae. With the publication of technical knowledge and scientific results the knowledge of the real lizards should be extended. An overview of the species and subspecies the family Lacertidae and their distribution and all systematic and taxonomic changes are recorded continuously.
  • Three issues per year with color illustrations.
  • Each article with an English summary.
  • ISBN-Nr.

The annual three-day conference of the AG in Gersfeld/Rhön with interesting presentations from the world of the lacertids offers good opportunity for deepening of knowledge. Furthermore, there is the opportunity to exchange experiences, and make contact with owners and breeders of this interesting species.

Breeding statistics and management

A central point in the work of the AG is the annual creation and publishing of breeding statistics. This is historically grown out of the breeding statistics of our parent company DGHT. Meanwhile, it has been proved that lacertids are relatively easy to maintain and to breed, which justify their legal position in herpetoculture. Many lacertids are subject to legal provisions - especially for all European species - and may therefore not be captured for private use. To ensure the needs of private users for the future, we developed this breeding management. We try to bring together breeding pairs or groups in order to maintain these lizards in captivity. Through the continuous breeding we obtain of course insights in ethology and ecology of these species - at least under terrarium conditions. By appropriate publications, f.i. in “Die Eidechse”, we contribute to the continuous increase of knowledge of our captive lizards. Ultimately, these observations could help threatened species with coordinated captive breeding and reintroduction plans.

Support for projects

Gomera-Giant lizards: The AG-journal “Die Eidechse” repeatedly reportedon the discovery of living Gomera- Giant lizards. The related fundraising had a positive response from members of the DGHT, especially from the members of the AG Lacertiden. So the rescue efforts of the extremely rare lizards on the Canary island of La Gomera could be supported.
Protection Project “Märkische Smaragdeidechsen”: In the years 2002-2004 the conservation project for the Märkische Green Lizard was supported by a donation.
“Die Waldeidechse - Reptil des Jahres 2006”: Financial support of the project “Reptil des Jahres 2006”.
“Steinbruch Altenbrunslar”: Repeated financial support of the DGHT-Stadtgruppe Kassel for maintenance since 2012.

Become a member of the DGHT-AG Lacertiden

AG Chairman & Captive breeding statistics

Vice-chairman and conference organizer

Treasurer and membership administration

Dispatch office

“Die Eidechse” editors