Boettger, O. (1892) - Description of Darevskia r. raddei. - In: “Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Reise Dr. Jean Valentins im Sommer 1890 – I. Kriechtiere der Kaukasusländer, gesammelt durch die Radde-Valentin’sche Expedition nach dem Karabagh und durch die Herren Dr. J. Valentin und P. Reibisch”. Berichte über die Senckenbergische naturforschende Gesellschaft in Frankfurt am Main 1892: 131-150.  Eiselt, J. & Darevsky, I.S. & Schmidtler, J.F. (1992) - Untersuchungen an Felseneidechsen (Lacerta saxicola komplex) in der östlichen Türkei. I. Lacerta valentini Boettger. - Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, 93B: 1-18.  ×Series of newly collected specimens of Lacerta valentini BOETTGER in Eastern Turkey were closely
investigated in order to demarcate the areas of the subspecies L. v. valentini and L. v. lantzicyreni.
Intermediary populations were found to exist between them, one was described as a new subspecies,
Lacerta valentini spitzenbergerae, living in the Cilo-Dag Mountains, Vilayet Hakkâri, Turk Bischoff, W. (2003) - Die Eidechsenfauna Georgiens. Teil II. Die Gattung Darevskia. - Die Eidechse, Bonn, 14 (3): 65-93.  ×In Georgia, 16 species of rock lizards of the Genus Darevskia are occuring (D. alpina, D.
„armeniaca`, D. brauneri, D. caucasica, D. clarkorum, D. daghestanica, D. „dahli`, D.
derjugini, D. mixta, D. nairensis, D. parvula, D. portschinskii, D. praticola, D. rudis, D.
„unisexualis` and D. Valentini). Besides short presentations of the single species and hints on their distribution and habitats, also some systematic remarks are given. Ciobanu, D.G. & Grechko, V.V. & Darevsky, I.S. (2003) - Molecular Evolution of Satellite DNA CLsat in Lizards from the Genus Darevskia (Sauria: Lacertidae): Correlation with Species Diversity. - Russian Journal of Genetics, Moscow, 39 (11): 1292-1305.  ×The structure and evolution of a satellite DNA family was examined in lizards from the genus Darevskia(family Lacertidae). Comparison of tandem units of repeated DNA (satDNA), CLsat, in all species from the genus Darevskiahas shown that their variability is largely explained by single-nucleotide substitutions, which form about 50 diagnostic positions underlying classification of the family into three subfamilies. Maximum differences between the subfamilies reached 25%. At this level of tandem unit divergence in the subfamilies, no cross-hybridization between them was observed (at 65°C). The individual variability within one subfamily within the species was on average 5% while the variability between species consensuses within a subfamily was 10%. The presence of highly conserved regions in all monomers and some features of their organization show that satellites of all Darevskia species belong to one satDNA family. The organization of unit sequences of satellites CLsat and Agi160 also detected by us in another lizard genus, Lacerta s. str. was compared. Similarity that was found between these satellites suggests their relatedness and common origin. A possible pathway of evolution of these two satDNA families is proposed. The distribution and content of CLsat repeat subfamilies in all species of the genus was examined by Southern hybridization. Seven species had mainly CLsatI (83 to 96%); three species, approximately equal amounts of CLsatI and CLsatIII (the admixture of CLsatII was 2–5%); and five species, a combination of all three subfamilies in highly varying proportions. Based on these results as well as on zoogeographic views on the taxonomy and phylogeny of the Darevskia species, hypotheses on the evolution of molecular-genetic relationships within this genus are advanced. Чобану Д.Г., Гречко В.В., Даревский И.С. (2003) - Молекулярная эволюция сателлитной ДНК CLSAT ящериц рода Darevskia (Sauria: Laeertidae): корреляция с видовым разнообразием. - Генетика, 39 (11): 1527-1541.  ×Исследовали структуру и эволюцию семейства сателлитной ДНК ящериц рода Darevskia сем. Lac-ertidae. При сравнительном анализе последовательностей мономеров тандемных повторов ДНК (сатДНК) - CLsat - всех видов ящериц р. Darevskia показано, что вариабельность повторов обусловлена главным образом однонуклеотидными заменами, которые образуют около 50 диагностических позиций, на основании которых выделены три подсемейства повторов. Максимальные значения различий между подсемействами достигают 25%. При такой степени дивергенции мономеров трех подсемейств перекрестной гибридизации (при 65°С) между ними не наблюдается. Индивидуальная вариабельность мономеров одного подсемейства внутри вида в среднем составляет 5%, а вариабельность между видовыми консенсусами внутри подсемейства - 10%. Наличие высококонсервативных областей во всех мономерах и ряд особенностей их организации позволяют рассматривать сателлиты всех видов р. Darevskia как единое семейство сатДНК. Приведено сравнение организации последовательности мономеров сателлита CLsat и обнаруженного нами Agi160 из другого рода ящериц -Lacerta s. str. Выявлено сходство, свидетельствующее о родстве этих сателлитов и об их общем происхождении, предложен вероятный путь эволюции этих двух семейств сатДНК. Методом Саузерн-гибридизации изучено распространение и содержание подсемейств повторов CLsat во всех видах рода. Семь видов содержат в основном CLsatl (от 83 до 96%), три вида - примерно равные количества CLsatl и CLsatIII (примесь CLsatII составляет 2-5%), а пять видов - сумму всех трех подсемейств в сильно отличающихся соотношениях. На основе этих данных, в совокупности с зоогеографически-ми представлениями о родстве видов р. Darevskia, предложены гипотезы эволюции молекулярно-генетического родства видов этого рода. Danielyan, F.D. & Arakelyan, M. & Stepanyan, I. (2008) - Hybrids of Darevskia valentini, D. armeniaca and D. unisexualis from a sympatric population in Armenia. - Amphibia-Reptilia, 29 (4): 487-504.  ×A unique hybridization zone of rock lizard species of genus Darevskia, with diploid (2n), triploid (3n) and tetraploid (4n) individuals, occurs in the mountain steppe of central Armenia. Our long-term monitoring has showed an increasing birth rate of triploid hybrids in this mixed population. Among these hybrids, the frequency of captured males with fully developed reproductive systems and presumably fertile females also increased significantly. Consequently, intensive microevolution has taken place in this sympatric population. The morphological, ecological, cytological, histological, and parasitological characteristics of the hybrid Darevskia are presented here and compared with parental species.
Arribas, O. & Candan, K. & Kornilios, P. & Ayaz, D. & Kumlutas, Y. & Gül, S. & Yilmaz, C. & Yildirim Caynak, E. & Ilgaz, C. (2022) - Revising the taxonomy of Darevskia valentini (Boettger, 1892) and Darevskia rudis (Bedriaga, 1886) (Squamata, Lacertidae): a Morpho-Phylogenetic integrated study in a complex Anatolian scenario. - Zootaxa, 5224 (1): 1-68.  ×Revealing biodiversity allows the accurate determination of the underlying causes of many biological processes such as speciation and hybridization. These processes contain many complex patterns, especially in areas with high species diversity. As two of the prominent zoogeographic areas, Anatolia and Caucasus are also home to the genus Darevskia, which has a complex morphological structure and parthenogenetic speciation. Darevskia valentini and D. rudis are two largely distributed taxa of this genus, both of which have a controversial taxonomic delimitation. Here we performed both a highly detailed morphological comparison and a molecular evaluation for the populations in both species groups. The most comprehensive taxonomic revision of this complex was carried out to determine the cases where the data obtained were compatible or not with each approach. As a result of the obtained outputs, it seems that D. spitzenbergerae stat. nov., D. mirabilis stat. nov. and D. obscura stat. nov. should be accepted as the species level, this later with subspecies D. o. bischoffi comb. nov. and D. o. macromaculata comb. nov.. Also, we propose two new taxa: D. josefschmidtleri sp. nov. and D. spitzenbergerae wernermayeri ssp. nov.. It has also been shown that “lantzicyreni” subspecies belong to D. rudis instead of D. valentini. The extensive revision has contributed to subsequent studies to more accurately understand the past histories of species in the genus Darevskia.