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Literatur- und Poster Projekte
der Echten Eidechsen, Familie Lacertidae
Iberolacerta cyreni cyreni (MÜLLER & HELLMICH, 1937)
Lacerta monticola cyreni MÜLLER & HELLMICH, 1937
Neotype: MNCN 39934, male, designed by Óscar Arribas 2010; Holotype originally in ZSM 2329a (lost)
Terra Typica:
Type locality: Puerto de Navacerrada, Sierra da Guadarrama, Zentral-Spanien; Lectotype locality: Entre el Puerto de Cotos y Puerto de Navacerrada, La Granja de San Ildefonso, Segovia, Spanien.
Relevante taxonomische Literatur:
Müller, L. & Hellmich, W. (1937) -
Mayer, W. & Arribas, O. (2003) -
Parts of the mitochondrial genes coding for 12SrRNA and 16SrRNA (together about 960 bp) were sequenced for all Mediterranean species of `Mountain lizards` of the genera Archaeolacerta (sensu lato) and Iberolacerta. All subspecies of the Iberian species Iberolacerta cyreni and I. monticola were included in this study. In addition, samples of Apathya cappadocica and Darevskia rudis were analysed to elucidate the relationships of the European `Mountain lizards` to their possible relatives in the Near East. Maximum parsimony and neighbour joining analyses lead to the following major conclusions: (i) the monophyly of the genus Iberolacerta is very well supported; (ii) Archaeolacerta bedriagae (the type species of the genus) is most basal with respect to the ingroup taxa. If we accept Iberolacerta as a genus, Archaeolacerta becames paraphyletic. Therefore, we propose to restrict Archaeolacerta to the type species and to treat A. mosorensis and A. oxycephala provisionally as members of the collective genus Lacerta; (iii) within the genus Iberolacerta three groups were found: a Pyrenean group, an Iberian group and I. horvathi. The relationships among these groups remain unresolved; and (iv) the Peña de Francia lizards, described originally as a subspecies of I. cyreni, are in fact more closely related to I. monticola.
Iberolacerta cyreni cyreni: 8 Referenzen
Spanien / Sierra de Guadarrama “Wild” Bilder (12)
Iberolacerta cyreni cyreni © 2010 Birgit & Peter Oefinger