Taiwan / Mt. Hsiao-hsueh (2500 - 2950 m) 


Takydromus hsuehshanensis  LIN & CHENG, 1981

Common names:

Hsuehshan grass lizard (English)
雪山草蜥 (Chinese)


Holotype: THUP (TURL) L-002, 62.4 mm SVL, male, collected by Mei-Ii Liu and Hsien-yu Cheng, June 12, 1980, deposited at Biology Department, Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan.
Paratypes: (five specimens, same data as the holotype). TURL L-001, 37.7 mm SVL, male; TURL L-003, 62.0 mm SVL, female; TURL L-004, 57.5 mm SVL, female; TURL L-005, 61.3 mm SVL, female ; TURL L-006, 25.0 mm SVL (hatched in the laboratory).

Terra Typica:

Mt. Hsiao-Hsueh, Taiwan (24° 17` N, 121° 1’ E, 2500-2950 m a.s.l.).

Relevant taxonomic literature:

  • Lin, J.Y. & Cheng, H.Y. (1981) -  A new species of Takydromus (Sauria: Lacertidae) from Taiwan. -  Bulletin of the Institute of Zoology Academia Sinica (Taipei), 20 (1): 43-47.  




Takydromus hsuehshanensis  © 2018 Thomas Bader