| Lacerta pityusensis maluquerorum EISENTRAUT, 1930 Podarcis pityusensis pityusensis CIRER, 1981 Podarcis pityusensis pityusensis SALVADOR, 1984 Podarcis pityusensis pityusensis VAN DEN BERG et al., 2014 Podarcis pityusensis Illa Negra de Llevant ZAWADZKI et al., 2023 |
Eisentraut, M. (1930) - Beitrag zur Eidechsenfauna der Pityusen und Columbreten. - Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin, 16: 397-410.  Cirer, A.M. (1981) - La lagartija ibicenca y su círculo de razas. Estudio introductoria. - Conselleria d‘Ecologia i Medi Ambient. Consell Insular d‘Eivissa i Formentera. 106 pp.  Salvador, A. (1984) - A taxonomic study of the Eivissa wall lizard, Podarcis pityusensis Boscá 1883. - Biogeography and Ecology of the Pityusic islands. Monographiae Biologicae. W. Junk, The Hague, 52: 393-427.  Berg, M.P. van den & Zawadzki, M. & Kroniger, M. (2014) - Spring 2014 - Herpetological trip to Ibiza (Spain). - L@CERTIDAE, 2014 [6]: 53-100.  ×This is our fourth report in a series on our whereabouts while collecting data for a future revision of the present subspecific order of the endemic Balearic sisterspecies Podarcis lilfordi (GÜNTHER, 1874) and Podarcis pityusensis (BOSCÁ, 1883), which data are stored in our free accessible database at www.pityusensis.nl (VAN DEN BERG & ZAWADZKI 2011 ; VAN DEN BERG et al. 2013 ; VAN DEN BERG et al. 2014). During this trip from the 22nd of May untill the 6th of June 2014, we were able to collect data on various mainland Ibiza locations, as well as the following adjacent islands; Tagomago, Dau Gran, Negra Llevant, Bosc de Conillera, Conillera, Espartar, S’Espardell de S’Espartar, and Escui de S’Espartar. We also visited Escui de Cala d’Hort, and can confirm this rock is without lizards. We also introduce a simplified representation of the ventral coloration as a possible determining key. Zawadzki, M. & Berg, M. van den & Kroniger, M. (2023) - Das Geheimnis der Eidechsen der Illa Negra de Llevant - Bemerkungen zu einem Aussetzungsexperiment mit Podarcis pityusensis (BOSCÁ, 1883).) - Die Eidechse, Magdeburg/Hamburg, 34 (1): 17-32.  ×In the spring of 193o, the German zoologist Martin Eisentraut performed some field experiments with the Ibiza wall lizard Podarcis pityusensis (Boscá, 1883). When he found out that the small rocky island of Illa Negra de Llevant, located at the entrance to the port of Ibiza Town and close to the coast, seemed to have no lizard population of its own, he released a total of 5o specimens of the melanistic subspecies Podarcis pityusensis maluquerorum from the island of Bleda Plana. Although, these translocation experiments were published by Eisentraut (193o, 1949), they were obviously not known to all subsequent authors, and so the lizards encountered on the Illa Negra de Llevant in the period from 1979 onwards were always assigned to the nominate form Podarcis pityusensis pityusensis due to their similarity to the lizards of Ibiza. Previous investigations could not clarify whether the lizards of the Illa Negra de Llevant are descendants of the animals released by Eisentraut or whether they are specimens of a new introduction. With the results of our own investigations, we would like to contribute to solve the mystery of the lizards of the Illa Negra de Llevant.