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Literature- and poster projects
of the real lizards, family Lacertidae
Eremias scripta scripta (STRAUCH, 1867)
Borkin, L.Ya. & Darevsky, I.S. (1987) -
Боркин Л.Я. & Даревский И.С. (1987) -
Joger, U. & Dujsebayeva, T. & Belyalov, O. V. & Chikin, Y. & Guicking, D. & Grachev, Y. A. (2012) -
Leviton, A.E. & Anderson, S.C. (2010) -
Schammakov, S. & Ataev, C. & Rustamov, E.A. (1993) -
The herpetological map presented in this paper shows the distribution and abundance of the reptiles in Turkmenistan. The country is divided into 17 complexes and the 84 species and subspecies found in Turmkmeistan are listed as occurring in mountains, plains, or both.
Shammakov, S. (1981) -
Шаммаков С. (1981) -
Shestopal, A.A. & Rustamov, E.A. (2018) -
The latest changes in the taxonomy of amphibians and reptiles are analyzed in the work, among them, in particular, toads, frogs, tortoises, geckoes, agamas, lacertids, boas and colubrids. A new list is published, which provides information for 100 species and subspecies: 6 species of amphibians and 94 species of reptiles (6 turtles, 58 lizards, 30 snakes). The conservation status of reptiles in Turkmenistan was revised according to the IUCN assessments.
А.А. Шестопал & Э.А. Рустамов (2018) -
Проанализированы результаты современных таксономических ревизий амфи- бий и рептилий, в частности, жаб и лягушек, черепах, агамовых, гекконовых, круглопалых, сицнковых и настоящих ящериц, а также ложноногих и ужеобраз- ных змей. Публикуется новых список видов, включающий в себя информацию о 100 видах и подвидах: 6 видов амфибий и 94 вида рептилий (6 видов черепах, 58 видов ящериц и 30 видов змей). Пересмотрен и установлен природоохранный статус пресмыкающихся Туркменистана в соответствии с критериями МСОП.
The work provides new information on the distribution and abundance of reptiles in some landscapes of Turkmenistan. The results of the study are following: the registration of new records to clarify the distribution; the discovery of the Afghan awl-headed snake (Lythorhynchus ridgewyi) on the Kaplankyr chink, which moves the boundary of the species distribution from the previously known nearest places (in the vicinity of the village of Kukurtli (former Sulfur Plant) and from the solonchak hollows of Unguz (Shestopal, Akgaev, 2013) to 220 km to the north-west; sunwatcher living in the north of Turkmenistan is identified as nominate subspecies — Phrynocephalus helioscopus helioscopus. Data on the number of reptiles are provided, the most interesting of them are observations in the southern part of the Sarykamysh depression. The density of desert species such as Trapelus sanguinolentus aralensis) and (Eremias intermedia) is twice higher and for Eremias lineolata is 20-times higher in comparison with adjoining territories.
A.A. Shestopal & E.A. Rustamov (2018) -
В статье приводится новая информация о распространении и численности земноводных и пресмыкающихся в различных ландшафтах Туркмениста- на. Получены следующие результаты: зарегистрированы новые находки, уточняющие распространение рептилий; новая важная находка афганского литоринха Lythorhynchus ridgewayi на чинке Капланкыр отодвигает грани- цу распространения вида от ранее известных ближайших мест его встреч в окрестностях села Кукуртли (бывший Серный завод) и от солончаковых впадин Унгуза на 220 км к северо-западу; подвид такырной круглоголовки, обитающей на севере Туркменистана, идентифицирован как номинатив- ный — Phrynocephalus helioscopus helioscopus. Получены сведения по чис- ленности рептилий, из которых наиболее интересные наблюдались нами при увеличении водной поверхности озера в южной части Сарыкамышской впадины, где в прибрежной полосе до 300 м плотность ряда пустынных видов, таких как степная агама Trapelus sanguinolentus aralensis и средняя ящурка Eremias intermedia увеличена почти двукратно, а линейчатой ящур- ки Eremias lineolata — 20-кратно.
Šmíd, J. & Moravec, J. & Kodym, P. & Kratochvil, L. & Hosseinian Yousefkhani, S.S. & Frynta, D. (2014) -
We present a comprehensive summary of the distribution of the lizards of Iran accompanied by an annotated checklist. The updated maps of distribution of all 146 species of 41 genera of 11 families are based on all available bibliographic records, catalogues of museum collections and our own field observations. The final dataset used for the distribution maps contains 8525 georeferenced records and cover 41% of the country when plotted on a grid of 0.25° × 0.25° resolution. The dataset is publicly accessible through GBIF portal ( Following the latest biogeographic division of the country, ~53% of the species (76 species) inhabit the Iranian Province, ~41% (60 species) the Western Asian mountain transition zone, ~9% (13 species) the Turanian Province, and ~18% (27 species) the Arabian Province. In addition, ~2% (3 species) reach Iran from the Indo-Malay biogeographic region and ~2% (3 species) are believed to have been introduced to Iran by humans. Endemic species (46) represent ~32% of the known species diversity. The most species-rich family of lizards in Iran is Lacertidae with 47 species, followed by Gekkonidae (41), Agamidae (18), Scincidae (15), Phyllodactylidae (10), Sphaerodactylidae (4), Eublepharidae and Uromastycidae (3), Anguidae and Varanidae (2), and Trogonophidae with one representative.
Strauch, A. (1867) -
Wagner, P. & Bauer, A.M. & Leviton, A.E. & Wilms, T.M. & Böhme, W. (2016) -
The composition and distribution of the vertebrate fauna of Afghanistan remain poorly documented and in recent decades little new data have become available due to a series of wars and the resulting unstable security conditions. As Afghanistan returns to some semblance of normalcy, baseline faunistic data will be particularly important for establishing national conservation priorities as well as for placing Afghan taxa into their broader phylogenetic and zoogeographic contexts. We here provide an updated checklist of the herpetofauna of Afghanistan based in part upon biodiversity archives of specimen records from several museum and private collec- tions as well as literature references and field research. The herpetofauna of Afghanistan consists of 118 species and subspecies belonging to 58 genera and 21 families. Seven species are endemic to the country, whereas 18 taxa have to be delet- ed from previous lists of the Afghan herpetofauna. Afghanistan’s primary zoogeo- graphic relationship to the Palearctic Region is reaffirmed but with secondary influ- ence from the Oriental Region. Immediately following the checklist, two sections provide information about species probably occurring in Afghanistan and previous- ly mentioned species that are now recognized as absent.