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of the real lizards, family Lacertidae
Heliobolus nitidus nitidus (GÜNTHER, 1872)
Chirio, L. (2009) -
Data about West African non-avian reptiles still remain scarce and, in particular, bibliography provides little information about the herpetofauna in the WAP complex pro- tected areas (W Transfrontier Biosphere Reserve, Arly and Pendjari Parks). At the request of ECOPAS project and with CIRAD financing we undertook, from May 2006 to November 2007, an herpetologi- cal survey of the W Transfrontier Biosphere Reserve straddling three countries : Niger, Benin and Burkina Faso. This study allowed us to record 83 reptiles species, which represents a high biodiversity for an African savanna area ; moreover we discovered a new species of cobra of the Naja haje group during this study in the W Reserve. Biogeographic analysis shows that, besides five ubiquitous species, most of the reptile species of the area (70%) are typically Sudanese savanna ones ; however a 17 Sahe- lo-Saharan species group enters the northern part of the area, while three typically guinean species extend to the southern part of the reserve through forest galleries.
Günther, A. (1872) -
Klaptocz, A. (1913) -
Rödel, M.-O. & Grabow, K. & Hallermann, J. Böckheler, C. (1997) -
We report on the faunistics of lizards and additional biological observations in Comoé National Park, north-eastern Ivory Coast/West Africa. In an area of 60 km2 in the southern edge of the Park (bush-tree savanna, gallery forests, and island forests), we found 18 lizard species in the course of four years. Four species are newly recorded for the Ivory Coast (Lygodactylus gutturalis, Tarentola ephippiata, Agama sankaranica, and Heliobolus nitida). The lizard community of Comoe-National Park is compared with that of Lamto in the south of Ivory Coast.
Szczerbak, N.N. (1975) -
Szczerbak, N.N. (1989) -
The present paper of N. N. SZCZERBAK was originally published in Russian as `Katalog afrikanskih Jascurok` by the Academy of Sciences, Institute of Zoology, Museum of Zoology, USSR, Kiev (83 pp., 30 maps) in 1975. Lists of synonyms, bibliography, maps and table of contents - all being parts of the original paper - have not been included in this translation which was carried out with the consent of the author by R. GÜNTHER (Berlin) and H. GRILLITSCH (Vienna). The English summary was taken over as provided in the original version. As a SHORT NOTE in this issue of HERPETOZOA subsequent to the translation comments and updated addenda by W. MAYER are provided indicated by [aa* bb* etc.] in the text.
Trapé, J.-F. & Trapé, S. & Chirio, L. (2012) -