Podarcis siculus siculus  (RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, 1810)

Podarcis siculus siculus  (RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, 1810)

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  • Akeret, B. (2007) -  Sizilien im Frühjahr – Impressionen einer herpetologischen Exkursion. -  Zusammenfassung DGHT Jahrestagung in Hallein vom 3. bis 7. Oktober 2007. S. 49.   

  • Allen, A. (1973) -  The hardy European reptiles and amphibians in captivity (Part 19). -  The Aquarist and Pond-Keeper, 38: 355-357.   

  • Ando, S. & Ciarcia, G. & Panno, M.L. & Imbrogno, E. & Tarantino, G. & Buffone,M. & Beraldi, E. & Angelini, F. & Botte, V. (1992) -  Sex steroids levels in the plasma and testis during the reproductive cycle of lizard Podarcis s. sicula Raf. -  General and Comparative Endocrinology, 85 (1): 1-7.  

  • Ando, S. & Fanna, M.L. & Ciarcia, G. & Imbrogno, F. & Buffone, M. & Beraldi, E. & Sisci, D. & Angelini, F. & Botte, V. (1990) -  Plasma sex hormone concentrations during the reproductive cycle in the male lizard, Podarcis s. sicula. -  Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, 90 (2): 353-360.  

  • Angelini, F. (1972) -  Alcuni dati sull´ influenza della luce, della temperatura e del trattamento ormonale su ciclo sessnale annuale maschile di Lacerta s. sicula Raf. -  Bolletino di Zoologia, 39 (4): 588-589.  

  • Angelini, F. & Botte, V. & Boschi, R. (1980) -  The regulation of the reproductive cycle in Podarcis sicula sicula (Reptilia, Lacertidae): Influence on the refractory period on the springtime testicular activity. -  Monitore Zoologico Italiano, Firenze, (N.S.), 14: 27-39.    

  • Angelini, F. & Botte, V. & D´Alterio, E. (1982) -  Autumn photothermal regimes and reproductive functions in the female lizard Podarcis s. sicula Raf. -  Monitore Zoologico Italiano, Firenze, (N.S.), 16: 133-148.  

  • Angelini, F. & Botte, V. & Picariello, O. (1975) -  L´intervention de quelques facteurs ambients sur la synchronisation du cycle sexual mâle de la Lacerta s. sicula Raf. -  Bulletin de la Société zoologique de France, 100: 656-657.  

  • Angelini, F. & Botte, V. & Picariello, O. (1978) -  L´influenza dei regimi foto-termici autunnali sui processi riproduttivi di Lacerta s. sicula Raf. -  Bolletino di Zoologia, 45: 190-191.  

  • Angelini, F. & Ciarcia, G. & Botte, V. (1986) -  Ambient crues and sexual cycle in the lizard, Podarcis s. sicula Raf. -  In: Assenmacher, I. & J. Boissin (eds): Endocrine regulations as adaptative mechanisms to environments. - Editions CNRS, Paris, pp 227-232.   

  • Angelini, F. & Ciarcia, G. & Picariello, O. & Botte, V. & Pagano, M. (1986) -  Sex steroids and postreproductive refractoriness in the lizard, Podarcis s.sicula. -  Bolletino di Zoologia, 53: 59-62.    

  • Angelini, F. & D´Uva, V. & Picariello, O. & Ciarcia, G. (1975) -  Sur un lieu probable entre le cycle sexuel et le cycle de l´organe subcommisural chez Lacerta s. sicula Raf. -  Bulletin de la Société zoologique de France, 100: 657-658.  

  • Angelini, F. & D´Uva, V. & Picariello, O. & Ciarcia, G. (1978) -  Effects of mammalian gonadotropins and testosterone on the male sexual cycle of the lizard (Lacerta s. sicula Raf.) during the autumn spermatogenesis. -  Monitore Zoologico Italiano, Firenze, (N.S.), 12: 117-142.  

  • Angelini, F. & Galgano, M. (1969) -  Alcuni dati sull´influenza della luce e della temperatura sul ciclo sessuale annuale maschile di Lacerta s. sicula Raf. -  Bolletino di Zoologia, 36 (4): 367-369.  

  • Angelini, F. & Picariello, O. & Botte, V. (1976) -  Influence of photoperiod and temperature on the testicular activity of the lizard, Lacerta sicula sicula Raf. -  Bolletino di Zoologia, 43 (1-2): 111-123.  

  • Angelini, F. & Picariello, O. & Botte, V. (1976) -  Il ciclo riproduttivo di Lacerta s. sicula Raf.: Azione regolatrice della temperatura e del fotoperiodo. -  Bolletino di Zoologia, 43: 342-343.  

  • Arslan, R. & Urgutas, I.H. & Altunel, F.N. (2013) -  Prey items taken by Podarcis siculus hieroglyphicus (BERTHOLD, 1842).  -  Herpetozoa, Wien, 25 (3/4): 154-157.   

  • Assisi, L. & Botte, V. & D`Aniello, A. & Fiore, M.M. di (2001) -  Enhancement of aromatase activity by D-aspartic acid in the ovary of the lizard Podarcis s. sicula.  -  Reproduction, 121: 803-808.     

  • Balsamo, G. & Avallone, B. & Calabro, D. & Marmo, F. (1995) -  The ampullae of the inner ear in the lizard Podarcis s. sicula. Ultrastructural aspects. -  Scanning Microscopy, 9: 493-500.  

  • Bedriaga, J. von (1874) -  Ueber die Entstehung der Farben bei den Eidechsen. -  Herman Dabis, Jena . 40 S.  

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  • Bedriaga, J. von (1879) -  Herpetologische Studien (Fortsetzung). -  Archiv für Naturgeschichte, Berlin, 45 (1): 243-339.    

  • Bedriaga, J. von (1883) -  Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Amphibien und Reptilien der Fauna von Corsika. -  Archiv für Naturgeschichte, Berlin, 49 (1): 124-273.   

  • Bellini, L. (1971) -  Consumo di O2 in ovociti di Lacerta s. sicula Raf. durante il ciclo ovogenetico. -  Bolletino di Zoologia, 38: 492-493.  

  • Berg, M.P. van den & Zawadzki, M. (2010) -  Wiederentdeckung einer für ausgestorben geglaubten Population der Baleareneidechse, Podarcis lilfordi (GÜNTHER, 1874) auf Illa de Ses Mones (Menorca, Balearen, Spanien) in Sympatrie mit der Ruineneidechse, Podarcis siculus (RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, 1810). -  Die Eidechse, 21 (3): 65-74.    

  • Berg, M.P. van den & Zawadzki, M. (2011) -  2011 Herpetological trip to Parc natural de s’Albufera des Grau. -  www.lacerta.de    

  • Berg, M.P. van den & Zawadzki, M. & Kroniger, M. (2013) -  Herpetological trip to Menorca (Balearics, Spain): April 30 till May 11, 2012. -  L@CERTIDAE, 2013 [5]: 25-76.    

  • Berthold, A.A. (1840) -  Ueber verschiedene neue oder seltene Amphibienarten.  -  Abhandlungen der Königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, 1: 47-72.  

  • Berthold, A.A. (1840) -  Description of Podarcis siculus hieroglyphicus. -  In: “Ueber verschiedene neue oder seltene Amphibienarten”. - Abhandlungen der königlichen. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen 1: 47-72.   

  • Bird, C.G. (1936) -  The distribution of Reptiles and Amphibians in Asiatic Turkey, with notes on a Collection from the Vilayets of Adana, Gaziantep and Malatya. -  The Annals and magazine of natural history, (10) 18: 257-281.  

  • Birkenmeier, E. (1952) -  Feldbeobachtungen an Agama stellio stellio Linné und Lacerta sicula hierglyphica Berthold. -  Die Aquarien- und Terrarienzeitschrift, Stuttgart 5: 50-51.  

  • Bischoff, W. (1973) -  Lacertenbastarde II. -  Zoologischer Garten N.F. Berlin, 43 (5): 278-291.  

  • Bodenheimer, F.S. (1944) -  Introduction into the knowledge of the Amphibia and Reptilia of Turkey.  -  Revue de la Faculté des Sciences de l’Universite d’Istanbul, Ser. B. 9: 1-78.  

  • Boettger, O. (1880) -  Die Reptilien und Amphibien von Syrien, Palaestina und Cypern. -  Bericht über die Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft in Frankfurt am Main, 1879-1880: 132-219.  

  • Boettger, O. (1880) -  Studien an palaearktischen Reptilien und Amphibien. -  Berichte des Offenbacher Vereins für Naturkunde, 19/21: 81-95.   

  • Boettger, O. (1881) -  Liste von Reptilien und Batrachiern, gesammelt 1880-81 auf Sicilien durch Hrn. Insp. Carl Hirsch. -  Bericht über die Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft in Frankfurt am Main, 1880-1881: 134-143.  

  • Böhme, W. & Bischoff, W. (1984) -  Die Wirbeltiersammlungen des Museums Alexander Koenig. III. Amphibien und Reptilien. -  In: Rheinwald, G. (ed.): Die Wirbeltiersammlungen des Museums Alexander Koenig. – Bonner Zoologische Monographien 19: 151-213.  

  • Böhme, W. & Corti, C. (1993) -  Zoogeography of the lacertid lizards of the western Mediterranean basin. -  In: Valakos, E.D., Böhme, W., Pérez-Mellado, V. & Maragou, P. (eds.): Lacertids of the Mediterranean region, a Biological approach, Athens: 17-33.  

  • Borg, J.P. ter (2000) -  Reptielen en Amfibieën van Corsica. -  Lacerta, 58 (2): 51-60.     

  • Bosch, H.A.J. in den (1992) -  De hagedissen van Tyrrhenië. -  Dieren, 9 (3): 69-72.   

  • Botte, V. & Angelini, F. & Picariello, O. & Molino, R. (1976) -  The regulation of the reproductive cycle of the female lizard Lacerta sicula sicula Raf. -  Monitore Zoologico Italiano, Firenze, (N.S.), 10: 119-133.  

  • Botte, V. & Rio, G. del (1967) -  The effect of estradiol-17ß on the distribution of 3ß-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase in the testes of Rana esculenta and Lacerta s. sicula. -  General and Comparative Endocrinology, 9: 110-115.   

  • Boulenger, G.A. (1905) -  A contribution to our knowledge of the varieties of the wall lizard (Lacerta muralis) in Western Europe and North Africa.  -  Transactions of the Zoological Society of London, 17 (4): 351-436.  

  • Boulenger, G.A. (1907) -  Remarks on Prof. L. von Méhely´s paper “Zur Lösung der ´Muralis-Frage`”. -  The Annals and magazine of natural history, (7) 20: 39-46.  

  • Boulenger, G.A. (1913) -  Second contribution to our knowledge of the varieties of the wall-lizard (Lacerta muralis). -  Transactions of the Zoological Society of London, 20 (3): 135-230.  

  • Boulenger, G.A. (1914) -  Materiali per una fauna del’Arcipelago Toscano. IX. Isola del Giglio. On the Wall-lizard of Giglio Island. -  Annali del Museo civico di storia naturale di Genova, Serie 3a, Vol. VI: 379-381.   

  • Boulenger, G.A. (1920) -  Monograph of the Lacertidae. Vol. I. -  British Museum (Natural History). Department of Zoology. London. 352 pp.    

  • Bruekers, J. (1997) -  Beobachtungen an einigen Echsen auf der Insel Menorca, Spanien. -  herpetofauna, 19 (111): 16-18.    

  • Bruekers, J. (2003) -  Nieuwe vindplaats van de Italiaanse muurhagedis (Podarcis sicula sicula) in Frankrijk (Hyeres, Cóte d´Azur). -  Lacerta, 61 (6): 203-205.      

  • Bruekers, J. (2006) -  Waarnemingen aan de Ruïnehagedis (Podarcis sicula sicula) en de Muurgekko (Tarentola mauritanica) in Noord-Italië (Gardameer). -  Lacerta, 64 (3): 101-105.    

  • Bruekers, J. (2010) -  De Ruïnehagedis (Podarcis sicula sicula) bij het Gardameer. Een update. -  Lacerta, 68 (1): 26-29.    

  • Buglione, M. & Maselli, V. & Trapanese, M. & Salvemini, M. & Aceto, S. & Cosmo, A. di & Fuglione, D. (2019) -  Fixation of genetic variation and optimization of gene expression: The speed of evolution in isolated lizard populations undergoing Reverse Island Syndrome. -  PLoS ONE, 14 (11): e0224607.    

  • Buglione, M. & Petrelli, S. & Maselli, V. & Trapanese, M. & Salvemini, M. & Aceto, S. & Cosmo, A. di & Fulgione, D. (2019) -  Fixation of genetic variation and optimization of gene expression: The speed of evolution in isolated lizard populations undergoing Reverse Island Syndrome. -  PLoS ONE 14(11): e0224607, 17 pp.    

  • Buglione, M. & Ricca, E. & Pedtrelli, S. & Baccigalupi, L. & Troiano, C. & Saggese, A. & Rivieccio, E. & Fulgione, D. (2022) -  Gut microbiota plasticity in insular lizards under reversed island syndrome. -  Scientific Reports, (2022) 12:12682.    

  • Capriglione, T. & Olmo, E. & Odierna, G. & Smith, D.I. & Miller, O.J. (1989) -  Genome composition and tandemly repetitive sequence at some centromeres in the lizard Podarcis s. sicula Raf. -  Genetica, The Hague, 79 (2): 85-91.    

  • Capula, M. & Ceccarelli, A. (2003) -  Distribution on genetic variation and taxonomy of insular and mainland populations of the Italian wall lizard, Podarcis sicula. -  Amphibia-Reptilia, 24 (4): 483-495.    

  • Cara, A. (1872) -  Description of Podarcis siculus cettii = Podarcis siculus siculus. -  In: “Monografia della Lucertola Comune di Sardegna”. Timon, Cagliari : 1-41.   

  • Cardone, A. & Capriglione, T. & Odierna, G. & Redi, C.A. & Garagua, S. (1990) -  Genomic intraspecific vartiations in some populations of Podarcis s. sicula Raf. -  In: Olmo, E. (ed.): Cytogenetics of Amphibians and Reptiles. Advances inLife Sciences. Basel,Boston, Berlin (Birkhäuser Verlag). 247-254.  

  • Cardone, A. Ciarcia, G. & Angelini, F. (1994) -  Neuropeptide Y in the lizard Podarcis s. sicula testes: immunocytochemical localization and action on androgen release. -  Abstracts of 17th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists, University of Cordoba, Spain.  

  • Cardone, A. Ciarcia, G. & Angelini, F. (1995) -  In vitro androgen secretion by testicular seminiferous tubules and interstitial compartment in the lizard Podarcis s. sicula Raf. -  In: Llorente, G.A., Montori, A., Santos, X. & Carretero, M.A. (eds.): Scientia Herpetologica, 1995: 274-279.  

  • Çevic, I.E. (1999) -  Taxonomic States of the Lizards Species Living in Turkish Thrace (Lacertilia: Anguidae, Lacertidae, Scincidae) -  Turkish Journal of Zoology, Ankara, Turkey, 23 (EK1): 23-35.  

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  • Chieffi Baccari, G. & Matteo, L. di & Minucci, S. (1995) -  Organogenesis of the orbital glands in the lizard Podarcis s. sicula: a histological, histochemical, and ultrastructural study. -  Anatomy and Embryology, 192 (1): 43-52.     

  • Chieffi Baccari, G. & Minucci, S. & Matteo, L. di & Chieffi, G. (1990) -  Harderian gland and the lacrimal gland of the lizard Podarcis s. sicula: histology, histochemistry, and ultrastructure. -  Anatomical Record, New York, 226 (3): 269-278.  

  • Chieffi, P. & d`Amato, L.C. & Guarino, F. & Salvatiore, G. & Angelini, F. (2002) -  17β-estradiol induces spermatogonial proliferation through mitogen-activated protein kinase (extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2) activity in the lizard (Podarcis s. sicula). -  Molecular Reproduction and Development, 61 (2): 218-225.  

  • Ciarcia, G. (1993) -  Control of testicular activity in the lizard, Podarcis s. sicula Raf. -  In: Facchinetti, F., Henderson, I.W., Pierantoni, R. & A. Polzonetti-Magni (eds.): Cellular communication in reproduction. – Journal of Endocrinology: 131-140.  

  • Ciarcia, G. & Angelini, F. & Picariello, O. & D’Alterio, E. (1982) -  Aspetti del controllo endocrino dell’ovidutto nel lacertide Podarcis s. sicula Raf. -  Bolletino di Zoologia, 49 (suppl.): 40.  

  • Ciarcia, G. & Angelini, F. & Polzonetti, A. & Zerani, M. & Botte, V. (1986) -  Hormones and reproduction in the lizard, Podarcis s. sicula Raf. -  In: Assenmacher, I. & J. Boissin (eds.): Endocrine regulatrions as adaptive mechanisms to environments. Editions CNRS, Paris. pp 95-100.  

  • Ciarcia, G. & Botte, V. (1988) -  GnRH-like immunoreactive substances in some tissues of the lizard, Podarcis s. sicula Raf. during the sexual cycle.  -  Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, 82 (8): 561-569.    

  • Ciarcia, G. & Facchinetti, F. & Vallarino, M. & Pestarino, M. & Paolucci, M. & Cardone, A. & Fasano, S. & Pierantoni, R. & Genazzani, A.R. (1994) -  Opioid peptides and testicular activity in the lizard Podarcis s. sicula Raf. -  Journal of Endocrinology, 143: 565-571.  

  • Ciarcia, G. & Paolucci, M. & Botte, V. (1989) -  Effects of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone variants of reproductive organs and plasma testosterone in the male lizard, Podarcis s. sicula. -  Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 1 (3): 205-208.    

  • Ciarcia, G. & Paolucci, M. & Manzo, C. & Di Fiore, M.M. (1990) -  Rilascio in vitro di ormoni sessuali dal testicola delta lucertola Podarcis s. sicula Raf.  -  In: Atti del VI Convegno Nazionale dell´Associazione “Alessandro Ghigi” per la biologia dei Vertebrati. Museo Regionale di Sciencze Naturali, Torino, 319-322.  

  • Clark, R.J. & Clark, E.D. (1973) -  Collection of Amphibians and Reptiles from Turkey. -  Occasional Papers of the California Academy of Sciences, 104: 1-62.  

  • Corte, F. della & Angelini, F. & Cavagnuola, A. (1966) -  L’ipofisi de Lacerta s. sicula Raf. nei maschi durante differenti periodi dell’anno. -  Atti della Societa Peloritana di Scienze Fisiche Matematiche e Naturali, 12 (3-4): 777-788.   

  • Corte, F. della & Angelini, F. & Cosenza, L. (1966) -  Azione dell´FSH di maiale su esemplari di Lacerta s. sicula Raf. con i testicoli in atrofia estiva. -  Atti della Societa Peloritana di Scienze Fisiche Matematiche e Naturali, 12: 643-650.  

  • Corte, F. della & Cosenza, L. (1965) -  Effetti dell’FSH sui testicoli di Lacerta s. sicula Raf. In stasi invernali. -  Atti della Societa Peloritana di Scienze Fisiche Matematiche e Naturali, 9: 113-122.   

  • Corti, C. & Lo Cascio, P. & Vanni, S. & Turrisi, G.F. & Vaccaro, A. (1997) -  Amphibians and Reptiles of the circumsicilian islands: new data and some considerations. -  Bollettino del Museo regioanle di Scienze naturali, Torino, 15 (1): 179-211.  

  • Costa, O.G. (1828) -  Description of “Lacerta acrolampra “ (= Podarcis siculus siculus). -  In: “Fauna di Aspromonte e sue adiacenze”. Atti della Reale Accademia delle Scienze, sezione della Società Reale Borbonica, 4: 61-84.   

  • Cyrén, O. (1924) -  Klima und Eidechsenverbreitung. Eine Studie der geographischen Variation und Entwicklung einiger Lacerten, insbesondere unter Berücksichtigung der klimatischen Faktoren. -  Meddelanden Fran Göteborgs Musei Zoologiska Avdelning, 29: 1-97.  

  • Cyrén, O. (1933) -  Lacertiden der Südöstlichen Balkanhalbinsel. -  Izvestiia na Tsarskitia prirodonauchni instituti v Sofiia, 6: 219-240.  

  • D`Uva, V. (1969) -  Gliosomi nelle cellule ependimali nell’ipotalamo di Lacerta s. sicula Raf. -  Boll. Zool., 36 (4): 379-380.   

  • D`Uva, V. & Ciarletta, A. & Varano, L. & Laforgia, V. (1985) -  Further Observations on the Relationships between the SCO and the Adrenal Gland of Lacerta s. sicula Raf.: Effects of Oestrogen Administration during Summer. -  Amphibia-Reptilia, 6 (3): 2290-240.   

  • D´Uva, V. & Ciarcia, G., Ciarletta, A. & Angelini, F. (1977) -  The subcommissural organ of the lizard (Lacerta s. sicula Raf.) during the sexual cycle in normal and experimental conditions.  -  Monitore zool. ital. (N.S.), 11: 193-210.   

  • Deichsel, G. & Nafis, G. & Hakim, J. (2010) -  Podarcis siculus (siculus) - U.S.A, California, Los Angeles. -  Herpetological Review, Lawrence, 41 (4): 513-514.  

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  • Filippi, F. de (1852) -  Cenno sulla Tiliguerta di cetti (Lacerta (Podarcis) tiliguerta Gmel. -  Nuovi annali delle scienze naturali, Bologna, ser. 3 (5): 69-71.   

  • Filosa, S. (1973) -  Biological and cytological aspects of the ovarian cycle in Lacerta sicula sicula Raf. -  Monitore Zoologico Italiano, Firenze, (N.S.), 7 (3): 151-165.  

  • Filosa, S. & Perrotti, M. (1969) -  Aspetti citologici dell’ovaia di Lacerta s. sicula Raf. in seguito a trattamento con gonadotropine ipofisarie in differenti condizioni di temperatura. -  Boll. Zool., 36 (4): 364-365.  

  • Franzen, M. (1990) -  Die Eidechsenfauna (Lacertidae) der Türkei -  Die Eidechse, Bonn/Bremen, 1990 (1): 3 -9.  

  • Fulgione, D. & Guglielmi, S. & Odierna, G. & Rippa, D. & Caliendo, M.F. & Rastogi, R.K. (2008) -  Morphological Differentiation and Genetic Structure in Island Lizard Populations. -  Zoological Science, Tokyo, 25 (5): 465-474.    

  • Galgano, M. & D´Amore, C. (1954) -  Il ciclo sessuale annuo nel maschio di Lacerta s. sicula Raf. -  Atti della Società Italiana di Anatomia, 15 covegno, 1953: 1-6.  

  • Galgano, M. & D´Amore, C. (1954) -  Il ciclo sessuale annuo nel maschio di Lacerta s. sicula Raf. -  Monitore Zoologico Italiano, Firenze, Suppl. 62: 320-325.  

  • Galgano, M. & D’Amore, C. (1960) -  Il ciclo dell’epididimo ni Lacerta s. sicula Raf. -  Bolletino di Zoologia, 27: 1-19.  

  • Ghiara, C. (1956) -  La struttura dell`eminenza mediana dell`ipotalamo di Lacerta s. sicula Raf. -  Bolletino di Zoologia, 23:2, 255-261.   

  • Ghiara, G. (1954) -  eurosecrezione nel maschio di Lacerta s. sicula Raf. -  R.C. Accad. Lincei, (8) 17 (3-4): 132-136.  

  • Gobbetti, A. & Zerani, M. & di Fiore, M.M. (1994) -  Prostaglandins and reproduction in male lizard, Podarcis sicula sicula. -  Journal of Experimental Zoology, 268 (1): 44-52.    

  • Gobbetti, A. & Zerani, M. & Di Fiore, M.M. & Botte, V. (1994) -  Relationships among GnRH, substance P, prostaglandins, sex steroids and aromatase activity in the brain of the male lizard Podarcis sicula sicula during reproduction -  Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, 101: 523-529.    

  • Gobbetti, A. & Zerani, M. & Difiore, M.M. (1994) -  Prostaglandines and reproduction in male lizard, Podarcis sicula sicula. -  Journal of Experimental Zoology, 268: 44-52.  

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