(Select a country below for a different checklist)

  (Click on a country on the map for a different checklist)

  Egypt:  18 species
Mesalina martini (BOULENGER, 1897)
Mesalina olivieri olivieri (AUDOUIN, 1829)
Mesalina olivieri schmidtii (HAAS, 1951)
Mesalina pasteuri (BONS, 1960)
Mesalina rubropunctata (LICHTENSTEIN, 1823)
Ophisops elbaensis SCHMIDT & MARX, 1957
Ophisops elegans ehrenbergii (WIEGMANN, 1835)
Ophisops occidentalis BOULENGER, 1887
Philochortus zolii SCORTECCI, 1934
Pseuderemias mucronata (BLANFORD, 1870)

Ophisops occidentalis


Ophisops occidentalis




Coastal strip west of the Nile.


Ophisops occidentalis  © 2017 Amr Salah